Matthias G.


Vielen Dank Walter für das Video!

"Rain of excellent Swiss quality" -True.

Zugegebenermaßen bin ich etwas enttäuscht, dass beim diesjährigen Mt.Ventoux-Spektakel der Pas de Lauzens sowie der Col de la Sausse wegfallen, landschaftlich grandiose Höhepunkte auf den letzten Kilometern der Strecke in den letzten Jahren.
Freu mich dennoch wie Bolle auf die Fahrt mit allen an den Mt. Ventoux.
Bleibt gesund und bis Bald!


Erstellt vonKevinSmope (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 11:21

Lab-grown highly-priced diamonds give an excellent alternate to traditional mined diamonds, featuring a sustainable and moral collection for the gemstone. Homepage are established inside of a dealt with environment, replicating The actual normal system that will occurs inside the Earth's crust. Using lab-grown diamonds, you may be specific of their beginning and add in order to a way more environmentally superior choice for the without end instant. Our amount of lab-developed diamond wedding ceremony rings showcases the magnificence and brilliance of such exquisite stones. Coming from basic solitaire styles to intricate retro models, our collection offers a collection of alternatives to be able to accommodate every single selection. Each lab-developed diamonds is meticulously made to show precisely the same sparkle and fireplace given that the extracted counterpart, guaranteeing some kind of beautiful centerpiece to the proposal. Not simply carry out lab-grown diamonds provide a sustainable option, However they Additionally deliver Excellent well worth without the need of compromising on high quality. With advanced technologies and Experienced craftsmanship, these diamond jewelry are Slice to be able to perfection, making a stunning display of light and wonder. No matter whether you prefer the sleek fashionable layout and style or simply a timeless antique environment, the lab-grown diamond proposal rings are a new symbol of enduring enjoy and perseverance.
Erstellt vonHarryfiste (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 14:12

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Erstellt vonУслуги ландшаф… (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 14:19

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Erstellt vonGreen History:… (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 14:19

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Erstellt vonJoshuaNup (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 17:38

Real Madrid midfielder Rodrigo gave Madrid the lead in the Champions League quarter-final first leg against Manchester City. The meeting takes place in Madrid. Rodrigo scored in the 14th minute after a pass from Vinicius Junior.
Erstellt vonozlovVop (nicht überprüft)on Fr., 21.06.2024 - 19:11

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Erstellt vonGolovwDrami (nicht überprüft)on Sa., 22.06.2024 - 04:09

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Erstellt vonMicel#geck[Pet… (nicht überprüft)on Sa., 22.06.2024 - 05:52

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Erstellt vonDavidLeard (nicht überprüft)on Sa., 22.06.2024 - 06:13

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Erstellt vonPhillipjag (nicht überprüft)on Sa., 22.06.2024 - 06:34

When looking for engagement rings, there are many possibilities to consider. From Uncover This to intricate antique versions, the selections are nearly endless. Just one well-liked alternatives are classified as the emerald Slash engagement ring, recognized for its stylish and complex visual attraction. Pertaining to those trying to find a contact related to royal class, the Meghan Markle proposal ring design is in fact a major contender. Featuring a surprising trilogy design and style, this ring supplies timeless attractiveness and magnificence. On top of that, rose exceptional metal engagement rings are already trending intended for their romantic and feminine charm, fantastic about These seeking pertaining to an exceptional angle on a conventional ring. In today's globe, lab-established diamonds engagement rings and even Moissanite engagement bands are attaining recognition for their earth-helpful and sustainable attributes. These alternatives give a more cost-effective having said that Similarly stunning option for Individuals on the lookout for a conflict-free of charge Together with ethically sourced selection.

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